Stories From Abroad
Find out how it's really done.
Get inspired by students who
have succeeded abroad.
Check out our Stories From Abroad!
Hear first-hand stories from students who have built essential international skills by studying, volunteering, interning, teaching or working abroad. This is your portal to career-boosting international adventures!
Helpful Notes
For Students
- Stories from Abroad is where you can read about successful international experiences from students and young professionals who've really made it happen. Find out what the unexpected challenges were, and how these young people made the most of their time. Learn what they wished they knew before hopping on the plane, and find out why they can't wait to go back. Whether you're interested in studying, interning, volunteering, traveling or working abroad, you'll find stories to inspire you right here.
- Been abroad? Share your story and earn a $25 gift card. Find out how to submit a story and see your experience featured online.
For Schools
- Share these Stories from Abroad with students. Link to them on social media, create an email blast highlighting them, or create live links on your school's website. The more you link them, the more students will click.
- Reproduction Rights and Other Details. Schools have our permission to share these training materials with students. Print, email, tweet, or create links on your school's website. For more details, see bottom half of this page.
Celebrating Generation Study Abroad
MyWorldAbroad is a proud supporter of Generation Study Abroad and the 400 universities that have pledged to double the number of students studying abroad by the year 2020. To celebrate this campaign, MyWorldAbroad is providing schools worldwide with free instant access (see student landing page) to a core set of our most popular training materials: eight Quick Guides, seven International Quizzes and 90+ Stories from Abroad. MyWorldAbroad, is a Commitment Partner of Generation Study Abroad.
About MyWorldAbroad
MyWorldAbroad is a trusted resource for students and leading universities in the US and Canada. For over two decades, we’ve been helping students and young professionals develop global career skills and find international work, both at home and abroad. With 300+ expert articles and 4,000+ resources, this site covers everything from cross-cultural skill-building and go abroad basics to the international job hunt and popular international professions. Students can purchase access, or view more details with MyWorldAbroad Talking Points.