International Quizzes

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Do you know what it takes
to succeed abroad?
Find out with our International Quizzes!

International adventures are life-changing, enriching and exhilarating - but they also require planning and mental preparation. The fact is, some people are more ready than others for the thrills and challenges of cross-cultural immersion. How prepared are YOU? Which skills do you have? Which ones do you still need to build? These quizzes will help you assess yourself in order to succeed abroad and make the absolute most of your global career prospects

International Skills
What's Your International IQ?

Are you naturally curious? Do you adapt easily to unfamiliar situations? People who succeed in international environments possess a unique set of skills that sets them apart from the crowd. Find out what it takes, and learn the skills to succeed.

Getting Experience
Do You Have Enough International Experience?

Whether you're a first-year in college or a PhD candidate, being a student provides you with a unique opportunity to build valuable international skills. Are you taking advantage of every opportunity? Find out!

Finding Work
How Prepared Are You For The International Job Search?

Landing an internationally-oriented job in your field takes perseverance, enthusiasm and an entrepreneurial spirit. Are you doing what it takes to prepare yourself for the international workforce? Take this quiz and find out.

Print and Record Your Score

Manually record your scores in this Word file, PDF file or Student Excel file. Measure your readiness and track your progress by recording your scores BEFORE and AFTER going abroad. Share your results with friends and advisors. Schools can use the School Excel file to track readiness and progress for groups of students.

Helpful Notes

For Students

  • Use these international quizzes as a fun way of assessing your go abroad know-how and cross-cultural skill level. Use them to discover new ideas on what it takes to be successful abroad.
  • If you’re just starting to build your international credentials, expect your scores to be low. This is completely normal! Rest assured that all types of personalities can succeed abroad, and with a little determination and lots of curiosity, you will be on your way.
  • Keep measuring your progress as you build more experience. Use our printable scorecards (Word file, PDF file or Student Excel file) to manually track your scores and progress BEFORE and AFTER you go abroad. Share your results with friends and advisors, and discuss your goals and accomplishments.

Good luck and best wishes on the road to international success!

For Schools

  • Share these international quizzes with students on your school website, post a link on social media or fire off an email blast. The more you link, the more students will click.
  • Sample link wording: To link to this page, see sample link wording here (scroll down to the Helpful Notes section and see the right-hand column). Alternatively, schools can link to individual quizzes. You can find sample link wording for those right here (see the bottom half of the page).
  • Reproduction rights and other details: Schools have our permission to share these training materials with students. For more details, see the bottom half of this page.

How schools can use our
International Quizzes

  • These quizzes help students to engage in self-assessment and to identify knowledge gaps about the go abroad process. The quizzes are not scientific assessment tools, but rather resources that provide context, support and suggested goals for young people in the process of building international skills. All types of students succeed abroad, and these quizzes should help students identify potential areas for growth.
  • Use our quizzes during one-on-one advising. Ask the student to complete the quizzes before your meeting and use the results to identify the student’s level of international readiness. LOW scores indicate more study and international experience is required. MID and HIGH scores indicate higher levels of discussion towards future international career paths.
  • Use quizzes in groups or workshops. Have students complete and submit quiz results before group meetings. Use the results to identify experience levels or to help form sub-groups. Students can be grouped by similar skill level (or by mixed skill levels) in order to promote discussion. The Excel file is particularly useful for tracking groups of students in a workshop, or students taking part in a group visit abroad.
  • Use our printable score cards (Word file, PDF file or Student Excel file) to track progress both BEFORE and AFTER students go abroad, or BEFORE and AFTER a semester-long course.
  • MyWorldAbroad training materials are designed to work together. Combining Stories from Abroad, Quick Guides and International Quizzes when designing student training programs. 

Celebrating Generation Study Abroad

MyWorldAbroad is a proud supporter of Generation Study Abroad and the 400 universities that have pledged to double the number of students studying abroad by the year 2020. To celebrate this campaign, MyWorldAbroad is providing schools worldwide with free instant access (see student landing page) to a core set of our most popular training materials: eight Quick Guides, seven International Quizzes and 90 Stories from AbroadMyWorldAbroad, is a Commitment Partner of Generation Study Abroad.

About MyWorldAbroad

MyWorldAbroad is a trusted resource for students and leading universities in the US and Canada. For over two decades, we’ve been helping students and young professionals develop global career skills and find international work, both at home and abroad. With 300+ expert articles and 4,000+ resources, this site covers everything from cross-cultural skill-building and go abroad basics to the international job hunt and popular international professions. Students can purchase access, or view more details with MyWorldAbroad Talking Points.