Quick Guides
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career and go-abroad advice.
career and go-abroad advice.
Have a look at our Quick Guides!
Going abroad is essential to prepare yourself for a career in the new global economy. These guides offer fundamental advice on building international skills, getting experience and preparing for international work both at home or abroad.
Quick Guides

International Skills

Acquiring Experience

Finding Work
Helpful Notes
For Students
- Our popular Quick Guides are packed with critical information about building international competencies and succeeding abroad.
- These guides cover the most popular go abroad topics to help you develop your global career skills and prepare for international work (whether at home or abroad) in a global economy.
- Discuss and share these guides with school advisors, fellow students and your parents.
- Spanish and French Guides: If you speak or study Spanish or French, be sure to check out the translated versions of the guides. They will help you articulate your international skills with professional terminology when you're applying to French or Spanish employers. And if you’re you a first generation immigrant with Spanish-speaking parents, why not share the Spanish Quick Guides with your parents to highlight the career value of going abroad?
For Schools
- Share these Quick Guides with students on your school websites, post a link on social media, fire off an email blast or simply print Quick Guides for workshops and office spaces. The more you link, the more students will click.
- Sample link wording: For pre-written text to use on links to this page, see sample wording here (scroll down to the Creating Links section in the right-hand column). Alternatively, link to individual Quick Guides. You'll find sample wording for those right here.
- Reproduction rights and other details. Schools have our permission to share these training materials with students. For more details, see the bottom half of this page.
How schools can use our Quick Guides
- These Quick Guides provide the fundamental basics for helping students make the connection between the go abroad experience and their future work in a global economy. Encourage students to learn these principals and use them in parallel with your current go abroad advising materials.
- Use our Quick Guides during one-on-one advising or to promote discussion during workshops, including pre-departure and re-entry advising.
- MyWorldAbroad training materials are designed to work together. Combining Stories from Abroad, Quick Guides and international quizzes when designing student training programs.
Celebrating Generation Study Abroad
MyWorldAbroad is a proud supporter of Generation Study Abroad and the 400 universities that have pledged to double the number of students studying abroad by the year 2020. To celebrate this campaign, MyWorldAbroad is providing schools worldwide with free instant access (see student landing page) to a core set of our most popular training materials: eight Quick Guides, seven International Quizzes and 90 Stories from Abroad. MyWorldAbroad, is a Commitment Partner of Generation Study Abroad.
About MyWorldAbroad
MyWorldAbroad is a trusted resource for students and leading universities in the US and Canada. For over two decades, we’ve been helping students and young professionals develop global career skills and find international work, both at home and abroad. With 300+ expert articles and 4,000+ resources, this site covers everything from cross-cultural skill-building and go abroad basics to the international job hunt and popular international professions. Students can purchase access, or view more details with MyWorldAbroad Talking Points.