Quick Guides (English)
OTHER LANGUAGES: Quick Guides also available in ,
LEGEND: = link to the original MyWorldAbroad article(s) used to create the Quick Guide.
ALTERNATIVE TO THE LAYOUT BELOW: See our Quick Guides ORGANIZED for the GO ABROAD CYCLE (Before, During, & After)
- Overview: Start Your Global Journey Take a tour of MyWorldAbroad's main menu, content & tools.
- Guide for Career Advisors: Global Competencies, the Job Search & Internships
From theoretical principals to practical advice. - Guide for Study Abroad Advisors: Global Competencies, Student Careers & Intercultural Training
From theoretical principals to practical advice - Pre-Departure Exercises for Students Going Abroad: How study abroad & career advisors can engage students in intercultural learning and career readiness before they go abroad [MS Word version]

Get ready to explore the world!
The Global You (Course #101)
- Becoming the Global You: 5 Tools for Success Launch your global life!
[Overview of course #101 & #102]
- The 8 Components of the Global You Foundations for life & career success in the 21st century!
[Module 101-A]
- The 3 Core Global Competencies and Career Readiness A universal process to impact your entire professional profile!
[Module 101-B] - The Culture Tree: Intro to the 3 Levels of Culture Make sense of your surroundings at home & abroad!
[Module 101-C]
- The 1-year Global Mindset Map Stay on top of your international goals month by month!
[Module 101-D]
- The 4-year Global Mindset Map Take action and set goals to build the Global You!
[Module 101-E]
Why & How to Go Abroad (Course #102)
- Why You Need International Skills Learn the value of all things global!
[Module 102-A]
- 10 Reasons to Go Abroad During Your Studies Explore the many benefits.
[Module 102-B]
- 8 People Who Can Help You Go Abroad You don't have to go it alone!
[Module 102-C]
- Overcoming the 7 Barriers to Going Abroad Don't let worry stand in your way!
[Module 102-D]

Discover cross-cultural skills!
Cultural Essentials (Course #103)
- Becoming Culture Smart: 4 Models to Build Insight Your journey to cross-cultural competence starts here!
[Overview of course #103 & #104]
- How to Research a Culture Become a more effective global citizen!
[Module 103-A]
- The Culture Tree in Action: Applying the Concepts Learn to navigate the layers of culture!
[Module 103-B]
- Peach & Coconut Cultures: Navigating Small Talk Around the World Culture influences social behavior.
[Module 103-C]
- Nonverbal Communication: Intro to 8 Types of Social Cues Recognize nonverbal signals around the world.
[Module 103-D]
- The Culture Spectrum: Intro to Behavior in the Workplace Cross-cultural adaptation starts here!
[Module 103-E]
Culture in the Workplace (Course #104)
- The Culture Spectrum in Action: 8 Pairs of Contrasting Behaviors in the Workplace Explore behavior patterns around the world.
[Module 104-A]
- Nonverbal Communication in Action: Examining 8 Types of Social Cues Observe, interpret and use nonverbal signals around the world.
[Module 104-B]
- Intro to the Virtual Cross-cultural Workplace Go global from your living room!
[Module 104-C]
- The North American Identity in the International Workplace Get to know your own culture!
[Module 104-D]
- Women Living & Working Abroad Be outgoing. Be bold. Go abroad!
[Module 104-E]

Overcome barriers & get practical about planning!
Succeeding Abroad (Course #105)
- Becoming Travel Smart: Two Approaches Chart your journey to cross-cultural competence
[Overview of course #105 & #106]
- Your International IQ: 4 Points of Focus A quick & easy model for success!
[Module 105-A]
- Everyday Skills for Succeeding Abroad Self-knowledge is power!
[Module 105-B]
- Personal Relationships While Abroad Make connections while abroad!
[Module 105-C]
- Common Challenges for North Americans Abroad Become a global ambassador!
[Module 105-D]
- How to Be an Ethical Traveler Be the best you can be!
[Module 105-E]
- Culture Shock Get ready for your adventure abroad!
[Module 105-F]
- Re-entry Shock Succeed when you arrive home!
[Module 105-G]
Travel Essentials (Course #106)
- Funding Hacks: Going Abroad No Matter Your Budget You CAN go abroad!
[Module 106-A]
- Pre-departure: Basics Research and get practical!
[Module 106-B]
- Health & Safety Abroad Are you a street-wise traveler?
[Module 106-C]
- Tips for Making the Most of Your Time Abroad From tourist travel to cross-cultural travel
[Module 106-D]
- Prepare for Re-Entry & Document Your New Skills Think now about career tips for when you return home
[Module 106-E]

Maximize the career value of going abroad!
Building Experience While in School
- Why You Need International Skills Learn the value of all things global!
- The 1-year Global Mindset Map Stay on top of your international goals month by month!
- The 4-year Global Mindset Map Take action and set goals to build the Global You!
- 10 Easy Ways for First-year Students to Build International Skills International skills have huge value!
- 24 Ways to Go International Expand your horizons!
- Researching Internationally focused Degrees in the US, Canada and Worldwide Dive into a new culture by studying abroad!
Career Tips for International Students
- Career-boosting Strategies for International Students Studying in North America Maximize your time in North America!
The Go Abroad Application Process
- How to Research & Choose an Organization Find your ideal adventure!
- The Go Abroad Application Process Get organized to get ahead!
- How to Apply for an International Internship Without Ever Having Traveled Abroad No experience abroad? No problem!
- Funding Hacks: Going Abroad No Matter Your Budget You CAN go abroad!
Career Strategies When Going Abroad
- Career-boosting Strategies While Studying Abroad Think strategically while abroad!
- How to Professionalize Your Working Holiday Abroad Enjoy career success!
- Career Tips Before You Travel Abroad Rise to the challenge!
- Career Tips During Your Travels Abroad Do what it takes!
- Teaching English Overseas: A Stepping Stone to International Careers Jump-start your global career!
- Language Learning & International Careers Communicate across cultures!
International Internships
- How to Apply for an International Internship Without Ever Having Traveled Abroad No experience abroad? No problem!
- How to Survive Your First International Internship Make an impression abroad!
- Job Hunting During Your International Internship Set your sights on career success!
- VIRTUAL: What Is a Virtual International Internship? Work abroad while staying home!
- VIRTUAL: Finding an Ideal Virtual Internship Research, ask questions & prepare for success
- VIRTUAL: Succeeding at Video Interviews Master the art of selling your skills online!
- VIRTUAL: Skills for the Virtual Workplace Prepare to excel online!
- VIRTUAL: Technology & Collaboration in the Virtual Workplace Must-have skills for remote workers!
- VIRTUAL: Boost the Cross-cultural Value of Your Virtual Internship Make the most of the world online.
- VIRTUAL: Your Virtual Internship Timeline Set yourself up for success!

International skills give you the edge!
- SKILLS: Why You Need International Skills Learn the value of all things global!
- SKILLS: Who Are You? What Are Your Skills? Your skill package is unique!
- SKILLS: An Inventory of Cross-cultural Skills Articulate your skills VERSION ONE!
- SKILLS: Why Employers Love Hiring Students with International Experience Articulate your skills VERSION TWO!
- SKILLS: Marketing Your International Experience to Employers Speak confidently about your skills!
- SKILLS: Selling Your International Skills With an Elevator Pitch Describe your professional self!
- JOB SEARCH: The Ideal International Profile Be an outstanding candidate!
- JOB SEARCH: Debunking the Myths: The Real Deal on International Work International job search essentials! (ESSENTIAL READING)
- JOB SEARCH: Career Tips After Your Time Abroad Turn your experience into success! (GOOD OVERVIEW)
- JOB SEARCH: LinkedIn: Creating a Standout Student Profile Stand out from the crowd!
- JOB SEARCH: Social Media for Career Success Don't just scroll — go for gold!
- JOB SEARCH: An Overview of International Resumes Win the day with your resume!
- JOB SEARCH: International Resumes Are Different Show recruiters your best self!
- JOB SEARCH: Interviewing for an International Job Articulate your goals!
- JOB SEARCH: Succeeding at Video Interviews Master the art of selling your skills online!
- JOB SEARCH: Spousal Employment & Freelancing Abroad Will you become a digital nomad?
Helpful Notes
For Students
- Our popular Quick Guides are packed with critical information about building international competency and succeeding abroad.
- Our 70+ Quick Guides cover the most popular go abroad topics to help you develop your global career skills and prepare for international work (at home or abroad) in a global economy.
- Share these Quick Guides with student friends interested in going abroad. Share the URL links with school friends and alumni via social media to introduce them to MyWorldAbroad.
- Distribute the MyWorldAbroad poster (customized for your school) when handing out Quick Guides so that students at your school know they have FREE access to our site.
For Schools
- Share these Quick Guides with students on your school's website, a link on social media, an email blast, newsletters, pre-departure orientations, re-entry orientations and online workshop material. The more you link, the more students will click.
- The URL for each Quick Guide is not password protected, so you can provide direct access to students (i.e. students do not need to be logged into MWA to access our Quick Guides).
- Sample link wording: We have excellent student-friendly sample wording to go along with your Quick Guide links. Check this out.
- Make Quick Guides a regular feature in your newsletter or social media. Consider using this short sample wording to create a regular column to highlight individual Quick Guides in "each" edition of your newsletter, or to send out weekly in social media.
- Place direct links to our Quick Guides on various pages of your school's Web site: Many Quick Guides address the specific issues students are concerned with finding internships abroad, finding work abroad, studying abroad and building international skills, etc. So, why not share our guides with them directly online?
- Print & Distribute Quick Guides: Distribute them in public waiting areas, during international events or in international courses. Print out copies of your favorite Quick Guides and leave them for students to peruse in the lobbies of your Career Center, Study Abroad or International Student offices. The footer at the bottom of each Quick Guide lets students know how to register for free access to MWA.
- Hand out our Quick Guides during Career Center workshops, such as "How to Intern Abroad," "How to Volunteer Abroad," "How to Find an International Job." Hand them out during study abroad workshops, such as "Pre-departure Orientation" or "Re-entry Orientation." Hand them out during international events or distribute to members of international clubs on campus. Hand them out to classmates taking international courses.
- Promote global career skills to first year students: Both the Career Center and the Study Abroad Office can take a broad approach to encouraging students to think internationally starting from the students' first day on campus. Consider distributing our Quick Guide below in the information packages of first-year students when they arrive for orientation. The Quick Guide can be printed and distributed, or it can be e-mail or sent out as a link. QUICK GUIDE: 10 Easy Ways For First-Year Students To Build International Skills.
- Spanish Quick Guides: Encourage first generation students to share our Spanish Quick Guides with their parents to highlight the career value of going abroad.
- Distribute your customized MyWorldAbroad school poster when handing out Quick Guides, so that students know that they have FREE access to MyWorldAbroad.
How Schools Can Use Our Quick Guides
- Our Quick Guides provide the fundamental basics for helping students make the connection between the go abroad experience and their future work in a global economy. Encourage students to learn these principals and use them in parallel with your current go abroad advising materials.
- Use our Quick Guides during one-on-one advising or to promote discussion during workshops, including pre-departure and re-entry advising.
- MyWorldAbroad training materials are designed to work together. Combining Stories from Abroad, Quick Guides and International Quizzes when designing student training programs.
Important Reproduction Rights & Other Details
- About Reproduction Rights: Each Quick Guide must be reproduced in its entirety and may not be edited for inclusion in other documents without the written permission of our editor. Short excerpts may be used to substantiate a review or promote the site.
- Quick Guides are available above as pdf files (8½" x 11"). Most Quick Guides are a single page, a few are two pages and just a few are longer.
- Quick Guide content is drawn from the articles of the same names found throughout MyWorldAbroad.com.