PART ONE: Living Overseas

How can a married couple embark on an international work experience?

ANSWER: The way you target your international job search will be determined by your education and areas of expertise. You're correct to assume that finding meaningful international work is not as simple as sending your CV around the globe. You’ll need to prove to international employers that you can function in an international environment, one that may be very different from your home. If you have no previous international experience, I would recommend taking a sabbatical for four or more months.

Will I be safe if I travel abroad?

Dear Allison

There are always risks associated with being abroad. In my personal opinion, the rewards are generally much greater. When I meet college students, I can quickly tell that some of them are not risk tolerant and they should therefore travel or study only in more Westernized nations, in order to ease in to the process of cultural adaptation. For other students, I know at first glance that they could thrive no matter whether they were in Kenya, India or Hong Kong.

I just landed an international job, but how do I negotiate a fair relocation package?

The value of your relocation package is heavily tied to your industry, with NGOs and small firms providing less compensation than multinationals, national governments and international organizations. The best advice I can give you is to speak to others who are currently working in your field in your host country (ideally those working with your prospective employer). Ask your employer for references from their employees posted abroad. Research the norms in your industry by contacting your trade association. Speak to other expats  and research relocation services.