Build International Skills

Build International Skills

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Being a truly international person requires more than just wanderlust! Your international skill set will set you apart from the crowd. Achieving career success in our globalized world depends on your adaptability and cross-cultural competencies. It’s easy to become proficient at describing cultures professionally (including your own home culture) and open the door to a world of career possibilities!


All travel has its advantages. If the passenger visits better countries, he may learn to improve his own. And if fortune carries him to worse, he may learn to enjoy it.
Samuel Johnson, poet, essayist
Traveled in Europe
Her thoughts on First Impressions
Once we crossed the Romanian border, it seemed like we had gone onto a whole different planet. There were horses in the streets transporting food and people, cows crossing the streets and walking on the sidewalks, as if it was totally normal. For us, it seemed like the twilight zone.
