Tag Results

Resources (447 results found)

Displaying 206 - 210 of 447
The tag 'FR' returned # resources.
Immunize Canada is a coalition of national non-governmental, professional, health, government and private sector organizations with a specific interest in promoting the understanding and use of vaccines recommended by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization. Formerly known as the Canadian Coalition for Immunization Awareness & Promotion (CCIAP...
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Formerly known as Partnership Africa Canada (PAC), IMPACT works in partnership with organizations in Africa, Canada and internationally to transform how natural resources are managed in areas where security and human rights are at risk. Their five focus areas are: regulatory and legal reform, supply chain transparency, illicit trade and financing, gender...
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The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) was established to manage and monitor tuna and tuna-like species in the Indian Ocean. Its main focus is to foster cooperation among Indian Ocean member states to ensure the conservation and appropriate utilization of fish stocks and encourage the sustainable development of fisheries. Day-to-day operations are housed...
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Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada works with Canadians throughout the economy to foster a competitive, knowledge-based Canadian economy. Its efforts are increasingly focused on building Canada's share of global trade and encouraging foreign investment. Program areas include developing industry and technology capability, fostering...
The Institute of Cultural Affairs International (ICA International) is a global community of non-profit organizations advancing human development worldwide. It exists to facilitate peer-to-peer interchange, learning and mutual support across the ICA worldwide network. Their network is comprised of 48 countries, each of which is categorized as either a...
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