Top Resources

Popular Resources

Whether you’re trying to track down an internship, plan a backpacking adventure or find an online forum for expats, MyWorldAbroad has got what you’re looking for. Below, we’ve collected a list of our most popular resources, arranged by topic. Note that many of the resource lists linked below have been pre-set with default searches, which you can easily change to suit your needs.

Intern Abroad & Virtual International Internships

The resource lists below give you access to thousands of international opportunities, as well as advice on how to make your first internship a huge success, both personally and professionally.

Volunteer Abroad

Volunteering abroad is an inspiring and rewarding undertaking, and it builds valuable cross-cultural experience. The resource lists below will guide to you opportunities from around the world.

Working Vacations & Teaching English

Working vacations allow global adventure-seekers to see the world while earning some much-needed pocket money. The resource lists below will help you find your next job abroad.