Tag Results

Resources (208 results found)

Displaying 106 - 110 of 208
The tag 'NGOs: UK' returned # resources.
International Service is an international development organization that works alongside change makers to end poverty and discrimination across the world. It runs a range of programs and projects that work with local people and partners to tackle injustice. It participates in the International Citizen Service (ICS), a UK government-funded placement scheme...
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The International Tree Foundation’s (ITF) main goal is to plant trees, protect and regenerate forests, fight desertification and promote sustainable forestry. Formerly known as Men of the Trees, ITF's projects involve planting trees that provide food and income as well as improved soil and water quality for communities. In 2017 alone, the foundation planted...
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The International Water Association (IWA) is a global network of thousands of water professionals, spanning the continuum between research and practice and covering all facets of the water cycle. IWA members and staff are situated in 130 countries worldwide, forming the largest international network of water professionals working towards a "water-wise"...
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INTRAC (International NGO Training and Research Centre) seeks to strengthen the effectiveness of civil society to challenge poverty and inequality, empowering people to gain greater control over their own futures. As a leader in civil policy and practice, it develops practical solutions and create space for critical thinking, combining value-driven...
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IPIECA (International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association) is a not-for-profit association that provides a forum for encouraging continuous improvement in industry performance. It is described as the only global association involving both the upstream and downstream oil and gas industry, as well as the industry's main channel of...
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