NGOs: Canada

Tag Results

Resources (266 results found)

Displaying 191 - 195 of 266
The tag 'NGOs: Canada' returned # resources.
Oxfam Canada is part of Oxfam International, a global movement for change made up of 19 affiliate organizations working in more than 90 countries to mobilize the power of people against poverty. Their mission is to build lasting solutions to poverty and injustice while improving the lives and promoting the rights of women and girls. Oxfam Canada believes...
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NOTE DE L'ÉDITEUR : En raison de la pandémie de COVID-19, Oxfam-Québec recrute seulement des coopérants parmi les personnes citoyennes canadiennes qui sont déjà présentes dans ses pays d'intervention, et n'envoie donc aucun volontaire à l'international jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Oxfam-Québec est une organisation de coopération internationale qui met en oeuvre...
For over 40 years, the Pacific Peoples' Partnership (PPP) has been supporting the aspirations of South Pacific islanders and indigenous peoples for peace, environmental sustainability, social justice and community development. Their programs reach members and supporters in more than 20 countries worldwide. They envision healthy and resilient communities...
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The Parliamentary Centre is one of the leading and longest serving NGOs dedicated to strengthening parliamentary democracy in Canada and around the world. Established in 1968, the centre has helped support over 45 parliaments around the world. Its mission is to support legislatures in their lawmaking, oversight and representative roles to better serve the...
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Le Partenariat pour le développement des communautés (PARDEC) est un organisme de coopération internationale qui cherche à réduire la pauvreté dans les communautés du Sud en appuyant et accompagnant les associations locales dans la définition, le développement, la mise en oeuvre et la gestion de projets à impact durable. Les projets appuyés par PARDEC se...
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