NGOs: Canada

Tag Results

Resources (266 results found)

Displaying 126 - 130 of 266
The tag 'NGOs: Canada' returned # resources.
HealthBridge is an international, non-profit, non-governmental organization that has been working with partners since 1982 to improve health and health equity through research, policy and action. The organization focuses on four key areas: livable cities, tobacco control and NCD (non-communicable disease) prevention, gender equality and reproductive,...
Heart-Links Lazos de Corazon is a small NGO based in London, Ontario that works to advance community development in Peru. They work primarily in the areas of education, leadership training, women empowerment and health, among others. Heart-Links offers two- to three-week annual solidarity trips for Canadians who are interested in living and working with...
HelpAge Canada’s mission is to maintain and improve the quality of life of vulnerable older persons and their community. HelpAge Canada provides financial support for the elderly, helps them escape isolation, and fights for their rights. On an international scale, HelpAge focuses on providing assistance and empowerment to older persons in seven countries,...
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Formerly known as Christian Blind Mission (CBM), Hope and Healing International is a development organization working with the world's most vulnerable children and families - those trying to survive both poverty and disability. It is one of the oldest and largest global development organizations focused on ending poverty for people with ocular disability....
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HOPE International Development Agency is a Christian-based organization that exists to improve the supply of basic human necessities of impoverished communities in the developing world through self-help activities. It also challenges, educates and involves North Americans regarding development issues. Project areas include clean water and sanitation,...
