Tag Results

Resources (527 results found)

Displaying 276 - 280 of 527
The tag 'NGOs: US' returned # resources.
Hospital Albert Schweitzer Haiti (HAS Haiti) serves a rural population of approximately 350,000 in Haiti's central Artibonite Valley, aiming to improve their health and quality of life. Over the past six decades, the hospital has weathered public health crises, epidemics, natural disasters and political instability. Most of the 550 HAS medical and support...
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As one of the oldest think tanks in the world, Hudson Institute's mission is to guide public policy makers and global leaders in government and business through a program of publications, conferences, policy briefings and recommendations. It promotes American leadership and global engagement for a secure, free and prosperous future. Some of their...
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Human Rights Watch (HRW) is a non-profit, non-governmental human rights organization made up of roughly 400 staff members based around the globe, most of whom are country experts, lawyers, journalists and academics who share a common goal: to defend the rights of people in 90 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice....
Humanity in Action (HIA) is an international, non-profit, non-partisan educational organization that educates, inspires and connects a global network of students, young professionals, and leaders who are dedicated to promoting human rights, diversity and active citizenship in their respective communities and around the world. The organization is comprised...
The Hunger Project is a global, non-profit, strategic organization committed to the sustainable end of world hunger. To help achieve this vision, the organization pioneers sustainable, grassroots, female-centered strategies and advocates for their widespread adoption in countries across the globe. They are proud to be a part of InterAction's NGO Aid Map,...
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