Placement Agency
Tag Results
Resources (153 results found)
Displaying 81 - 85 of 153
The tag 'Placement Agency' returned # resources.
Virtual opportunities available.
The Intern Group offers international internship programs via leading companies/NGOs/government in its various program destinations in the UK, Ireland, US, Hong Kong, China, Spain, Germany, Australia and Colombia. It is committed to providing professional experience, personal growth and development, and cultural immersion...
Virtual opportunities available.
Intern NZ was established in 2009 to support students from international universities and help them gain international work experience for personal and professional growth. Due to the increasing number of candidates and interest in Intern NZ, Intern OZ was established four years after. Both organizations have continuously...
International Student Exchange - Ontario offers Ontario students reciprocal, school-board approved exchange programs with China and European countries. They provide opportunities for elementary and secondary school students to discover and explore exciting places and cultures, improve or develop new language skills, and make lifelong friendships. Exchange...
International Studies Abroad is a study abroad provider with 28 destination countries, encompassing over 65 distinct and exciting cities all over the globe. Working closely with host universities abroad, ISA provides US and Canadian students with a study abroad experience that is academically challenging and culturally rewarding. Participants can choose...
International Volunteer HQ (IVHQ) provides affordable, safe and responsible volunteer travel experiences. In addition to providing aid and assistance to countries in need, IVHQ endeavors to promote cross-cultural understanding and knowledge-sharing between host countries and their volunteers. IVHQ currently has programs in more than 50 countries worldwide,...