What does “International IQ” mean?

Hi Jade,

Your International IQ is basically your level of intercultural awareness. It is a complex collection of skills that you develop over time when you constantly engage in cross-cultural learning. You will find out about International IQ the more you read the content on the MyWorldAbroad site. Are you adaptable in a foreign environment? Are you knowledgeable about world issues or the particular issues of a specific area of the world? As you will see by reading the guide, building an International IQ takes time, and it involves many different types of learning. It’s about your knowledge, your professional international capabilities, your personal coping skills and your cross-cultural observation skills. Check out the links below (for registered users) for a more in-depth look. And good luck building your International IQ!

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Also, check out our quizzes and this related Quick Guide.

Cheers, Jean-Marc

Full question: 

You talk about “International IQ” in a lot of the public area of the site. What does that term mean?

-Jade, 21, Anchorage, AK