Quiz | Getting Experience
Getting Experience
Do You Have Enough International Experience?
Are you getting the most international "bang for your buck" out of your university or college experience? What activities are you participating in on and off campus that will further your personal international goals? What opportunities might you be missing out on?
Take these quizzes to determine what you're doing right, and what more you can do to develop valuable international experience at home and abroad.
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Are you internationalizing your on-campus experience? Take this quiz to find out if you’re maximizing your international potential!
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Studying abroad is the best way to build international skills while in school. How much do you know about maximizing the opportunities available to you?
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Cross-cultural experiences off-campus can greatly enhance your international understanding. This quiz will help you assess your level of engagement.
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Check your score for all quiz categories: International Skills, Getting Experience, and Finding Work
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