MyWorldAbroad Talking Points


MyWorldAbroad Talking Points

Share MyWorldAbroad (MWA) Talking Points with others: The MWA Talking Points can help you explain MWA to students, faculty and staff. Alternatively, you can view our detailed Product Description.

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Print and share MWA Talking Points with staff, student interns/ambassadors, and anyone else who may be advising students during an international event, at a study abroad fair, during one-on-one advising, or during a workshop.

Share MyWorldAbroad Talking Points
with Students

These talking points help you explain MWA to students, and they also give you a starting point for discussions about why go abroad experience is important. 

  • Students who graduate with international skills will have better job prospects and greater career success than those who do not.
  • MWA contains 300+ articles and 3,600+ resources to help students maximize the “career value” of their time abroad and look for internationally oriented work, at home and abroad, once they graduate.
  • MWA is written for students and young professionals who want to go abroad to intern, volunteer, travel, learn a language, study, teach or work.
  • MWA covers every aspect of going abroad: international skills, gaining experience, international job hunting and the professions.
  • MWA contains detailed expert advice on every aspect of selling your international skills, writing international resumes and looking for international work.
  • MWA has other cool features such as inspiring Stories from Abroad (including sample application documents), International Quizzes, Quick Guides, Self-Evaluations and FAQs.
  • Free access to MWA is available to students, staff and alumni at client-schools. Register for free at www(dot)myworldabroad/[your-school’s-domain-name]

Share MyWorldAbroad Talking Points 
with Faculty and Staff

Why is MWA important for schools? These talking points can be used as discussion starters to promote MWA and to describe how MWA supports the campus internationalization strategy:

  • The age of the global knowledge economy is upon us, and students need to graduate with international experience and cross-cultural skills in order to compete for jobs.
  • MWA is a trusted resource at universities in the US and Canada. The guide is written and compiled by Jean-Marc Hachey, North America’s leading international career expert.
  • MWA is one of the only full-service sites that helps schools integrate the career component into students’ go abroad experiences. 
    • MWA empowers students and young professionals to build global career skills.
    • The underlying philosophy of the site revolves around encouraging students to build their international skills step-by-step, over time, while in school.
    • By developing a broad range of international skills and experiences consistently over the course of their studies, students not only discover the personal satisfaction of cross-cultural encounters, they also build strong professional profiles and prepare themselves for successful internationally oriented careers.
  • MWA supports schools’ internationalization efforts with practical advice, tools and resources. Subscribing to the guide also encourages communication and cooperation between college/university departments such as Career Services, Study Abroad and International Student Services.
  • MWA is a valuable resource for Career Services and their advising staff. Career services have dedicated staff, but some of those staff may not have extensive international experience to draw upon when advising potential candidates for international experiences. MWA is a perfect tool for strengthening and broadening your advising capabilities.
  • MWA empowers the Study Abroad Office to forge links between their programs and the career aspirations of their students. The guide highlights the “career value” of going abroad in a way that school administrators, student advisors, students and even their parents can connect to.