Should I accept an unpaid internship in France?

Hello Stefan,

If the French employer is offering an internship in your field, or if this is your first internship abroad, certainly take the internship, even if it is not paid. An internship in France will be like a working vacation, with insights into the work culture, something that a regular traveler or student abroad might not experience. Maximize every possible professional angle that you can during your internship, and socialize as much as you can with work colleagues. If you super charge your un-paid internship with career building experiences, you will return home with enhanced value and certain future payoffs. Make the most of it, and good luck! See Intern Abroad (for registered users) for more. 

All the best, 


Full question: 

I have just been offered a one-month internship in France. I know that it will be a great experience, because I have not traveled much. The problem is that the job is entirely unpaid. Should I take it? Or should I try to find something else that is paid?

-Stefan, 19, Chelmsford, MA